Author Archives: Chris


Equipment Journal*: YashicaMat LM

When writing the non-review of my Rolleiflex 2.8D the other day, there was a tiny part of me that felt like I was giving short shrift to the TLR that has served me the longest. […]


New Work: Hot Pepper No. 1

In a previous post, I mentioned that I might start trying some of the macro projects and such that seem to be occupying a lot of photographers around the internet during quarantine times. After spending […]


One Image, One Story: Superb Sunset

It’s easy to focus on the negative when confronted with something like the current pandemic. It’s completely unknown and is wreaking havoc with our daily lives. Only heaven knows when it will end and what […]


One Image, One Story: CA&E No. 20

This is a shot of Chicago, Aurora and Elgin trolley car, No. 20. It was built by Niles Car & Manufacturing in 1902 and currently resides at the Fox River Trolley Museum in South Elgin, […]


Wilcoxson Buick GMC

Yet another follow-up on my recent digitizing adventures. While Negative Lab Pro has given me the kind of results I’ve always wanted with my negative shots, it was of no help for me when it […]


Quarantine Storm

Quarantine StormMy balcony has served as a photographic refuge during the Covid-19 shelter in place order. I have become a wildlife photographer, a landscape photographer, an architecture photographer and now a weather photographer after last […]


One Shot, One Story: Machinery at Rest

When I look at the photographers that I admire, I notice that a lot of them skew towards black and white work. Ansel Adams did some color work but I think most admirers of St. […]


A Tale of Two Scans

Today’s post is kind of a follow-up on yesterday’s post about how I am now digitizing my film and why I’m so enamored that I can finally get the results that I consider both worthy […]


Digitizing Film – My Method

I am a practitioner of both film and digital photography. Both work for me and I use them for different reasons. However there has always been one problem with film for me and it is […]


Photography in the time of Covid-19

Fog of Covid IsolationThe tree outside of the balcony where I’m self isolating as my part of the Covid-19 response forms a silhouette against a foggy blue hour morning.Nikon Coolpix A Like much of the […]