Nothing fancy tonight. I’ve been swamped and haven’t had time to post the longer blog entries that I have percolating in my head at the moment. However, I don’t want to end my streak of posting something everyday (something I’ve managed to do everyday since March 28th and hope to keep up). So here’s a picture of a tree I passed on my walk yesterday. I don’t have any close up lenses for my YashicaMat, so this was taken with my iPhone XS.
I’m starting to understand why the photo industry is hurting so much. It’s been awhile since I really looked at my phone as a photographic device for anything more than quick snapshots but this is surprisingly good. It’s no wonder that compact cameras are almost a thing of the past. Why would the average consumer need a dedicated camera when s/he has a camera this capable in a device that is almost always in a pocket or a purse?