It’s been awhile since I did a One Image, One Story post, so here’s a shot dating back to December 23rd, 2009.
I was at Denver International Airport to catch a flight back to Chicago O’Hare to visit my family for Christmas. There was a pretty good snow storm that evening and my flight was delayed quite a bit.
Having time on my hands, I decided to get my camera out and take some pictures around the airport. Most of them weren’t terribly interesting but I kind of liked this shot.
I used a long shutter speed (1/4 second) to contrast the two speeds that airport travelers seemed to be operating at that evening — those in a hurry and those who were like me and had a lot of time on their hands.
No tripod was used here. This was one of the many Pentax bodies I owned that had Pentax’s Shake Reduction system built into the body, allowing image stabilization with every lens. That’s something I really miss in my Nikon gear and something that I hope to get again one of these days when I upgrade to a Z7. At the moment, I’m not really in a hurry to make the switch from Nikon F to Nikon Z, especially since AF-D series lenses won’t autofocus with the FTZ adapter from Nikon. Someday, though…